completing the 233 miles with 12,583 feet of climbing over the 4 days detailed
below I had a rest day on 3rd May and rode into work on Thursday 4th
On the way
home on the Thursday I was aware of some pain in the back of my knee and
decided I should take a couple days rest so did not ride again till Sunday when
I couldn’t hold back any longer as the sun was shining so rode my Alresford 60
mile Loop. I felt OK to start but my
knee was quite painful on the return journey with a throbbing ache behind the
kneecap and sharp pain on the inside behind the knee joint.
stubborn I then rode into work on the Monday but the pain was excruciating on
the way home. I have not had this sort
of pain before so used “Dr Google” to research this pain behind my knee and
inside it. Self
diagnosed that I have managed to overwork and strain my hamstring and basically
need to rest.
Very annoyed
at myself as this wound up being a 10 day break from the bike and reading about
the causes that lead to this kind of damage I could have probably avoided this
with slower increments of the miles I have been doing and not working my body
so hard all the time.
I really must pay attention to the messages my body gives me as it did
give me a warning and I chose to ignore it.
To add insult
to injury I got drenched when finally got back on the bike last week and
subsequently caught a stinker of a cold which had me unable to do any more than
sit on the sofa all weekend L .
Thankfully its only May so I still have 4 months to slowly increase my intensity /
distance for the big one!
Sounds painful.. Good early lesson though as you say to listen to your body when it shouts at you!