Friday, 31 March 2017

My Whole Body Aches!

Apologies for not posting sooner, just seem to be too busy to do anything since signing up to the Lejog challenge.

Sitting here on the last day of a week off work and my whole body aches, I can feel muscles and joints I did not know existed. I will try to put it into words, my:
  • Legs are burning, they do not want to move, heat is radiating from my thighs.
  • Back and shoulders ache as if I was suffering from flu.
  • Arms are really heavy.
  • Wrists feel like I have spent a day pummeling a boxing punch bag.
  • Arse, well let’s just say the area around my sit bones is tender.
And it’s all because of training. 

I have been pushing myself for the last 6 weeks to get my fitness and stamina up and can really see the benefit when out on the bike, but having completed a century ride (100 miles) yesterday I am very aware of how much my body aches this morning and the notion of repeatedly doing century rides for 9 consecutive days is way beyond my abilities at the moment so I have a long way to go in order to be ready for this.

For the ride yesterday I kept myself within reasonable distance of home and chunked it into 3 rides returning back to base to eat and replenish supplies.  Most of it was on roads I know but I did a little exploring between Southrope and Bentworth to mix it up a bit.
Best parts where
  • Huge deer strutted rather majestically across the road about 30 meters in front of me.
  • Large bird of prey looking back at me as I passed under it.
  • Banana, 7 ginger nuts (biscuits) and large dollop of extra thick cream for my first pit stop.
  • Sunshine, spring has sprung!
Worst parts where
  • Head wind!  Strong and constant from the south.
  • Everything from 80 miles on was really, really hard work.
  • Bike started creaking around 90 miles (I hate a noisy bike)

I feel my training is going pretty well so far, but there is a long, long way to go before I will be ready for Lejog.  Sometimes whilst struggling along on the bike I do wonder why am I bothering and at those times this certainly helps